If you're asked whether you want to open it, of course you do click Open. You'll see an item named Eclipse if you like, drag its icon into the dock so that you'll be able to launch Eclipse easily. Open your Applications folder, and then open the eclipse folder. If you don't see Applications, then open a new window for Applications (from the Finder, command-shift-A), and drag the eclipse folder into Applications. When you open your Downloads folder, if you see Applications under the Favorites on the left side of the window, you should drag the eclipse folder into Applications. Follow the process to ‘Add a Bot to a Server’. stanley martin chantilly Here’s what you need to do: Log in to your Discord server. Installing Java 11 on MacOS with HomeBrew by Wai Loon w:Logs Medium Write Sign up Sign In 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. Set your JAVAHOME environment variable to point to your JDK. Code Faster With Improved CodeInsight and Delphi LSP The IDE code editor now has the ability to highlight matching words. With 11.3 all non-Windows platform debuggers across Delphi and C++ have moved to LLDB architecture.

When that's done, you should see a folder named eclipse in your Downloads folder. Add GROOVYHOME/bin to your PATH environment variable. 11.3 introduces a new LLDB-based debugger for macOS Intel and 32-bit Android. You should not feel compelled to donate.Īfter the download completes, folders should automatically expand.

If asked, click on "Open with Archive Utility (default)" and then click OK.